* Important information in English, please scroll down
Seksjonseiere i sameiet og andelseiere i borettslagene har lov til å leie ut leiligheten via såkalt kortidsutleie for et visst antall dager i året. For borettslagenes andelseiere i Landstads gate 2 og Waldemar Thranes gate 72, er maks antall dager 30. For seksjonseierne i Uelands gate 53 og Kingos gate 8, er maks antall dager 60. Dette i henhold til vedtektene. Styret har utarbeidet en UTLEIEINSTRUKS som alle eiere må gå gjennom med leietakere før utleie starter.
Fra sameiets vedtekter:
§ 3, sjette ledd:
Seksjonseier har anledning til å leie ut leiligheten i såkalt korttidsutleie inntil 60 dager pr. kalenderår. Styret skal informeres om all slik utleie. Seksjonseier er ansvarlig for at vedtekter og husordensregler følges av leietakere, og er erstatningspliktig for leietakeres eventuelle skader på sameiets bygg og eiendom. Hvis korttidsutleien fører til ekstraarbeid for styret vil seksjonseier bli fakturert pr. time i henhold til § 12, niende
Fra Worse og Garman borettslags vedtekter:
(8) Andelseiere har anledning til å leie ut leiligheten inntil 30 dager per kalenderår hvis de selv bor i leiligheten. Styret skal informeres om all korttidsutleie. Andelseier er ansvarlig for at vedtekter og husordensregler følges av gjester og leietakere, og eier er erstatningspliktig for eventuelle skader på sameiets bygg og eiendom. Hvis kortidsutleien fører til ekstraarbeid for styret vil andelseier bli fakturert pr. time i henhold til punkt 8-2 (5).
Det er viktig at beboere som leier ut leiligheten sender den pålagte informasjonen til styret før utleien starter. Beboere plikter også å informere om viktigheten av brannsikkerhet i Kiellands Hus, og hvordan brannvarslingsanlegget fungerer. Da styret ser at de fleste som leier leilighet via Airbnb er utlendinger, har vi lagt inn viktig informasjon på engelsk nedenfor. Utleier er ansvarlig for at leietakerne leser og forstår denne informasjonen.
Styret har utarbeidet en utleieinstruks som eier skal gå gjennom med leietaker før utleien starter. Denne finner du HER
*English information
Condominium owners in the cooperative and shareholders in the housing cooperatives are allowed to rent out their apartments through so-called short-term rentals for a certain number of days per year. For the shareholders in the housing cooperatives at Landstads Gate 2 and Waldemar Thranes Gate 72, the maximum number of days is 30. For the condominium owners at Uelands Gate 53 and Kingos Gate 8, the maximum number of days is 60.This is in accordance with the bylaws.The board must be informed about the rental period and the tenants’ contact information ahead of .
Important information to tenants. Owners are responsible of making sure the following is understood by the tenants:
Fire safety
The Fire Alarm System
Kiellands Hus is classified as a special fire hazard by the authorities because it houses both apartments and a shopping center in the same building as a gas station. This means a fire could result in the loss of many lives or cause significant harm to health, the environment, or property. The fire alarm system in Kiellands Hus is directly connected to the emergency number 110 (the fire service).
There is a 2 ½-minute delay programmed into the smoke detectors in each apartment. This means that if an alarm is triggered in an apartment, the resident has 2 ½ minutes to deactivate the alarm using the fire alarm control panel in the hallway. The panel will display a countdown showing how much time is left before the alarm is triggered in other apartments and notified to the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service.
If the alarm is deactivated, the system will start another 2 ½-minute countdown. This is the time you have to reset the system. If the system is not reset within this time, the alarm will trigger in the other apartments and common areas, and the fire service will be notified. A false alarm like this currently costs NOK 1,413. For detailed instructions on how to use the system, visit the website: Fire Safety in Kiellands Hus. If anything is unclear, please contact the board.
Important: If there is smoke in the corridor or stairwell, return to your apartment! Smoke is what kills, not the fire itself.
Important: Do not attempt to stop the alarm from inside the apartment. The smoke detectors do not have batteries and are controlled via the main fire panel. The fire alarm detector must *never* be disconnected in the apartment without prior permission from the board. The property owner is financially responsible if the detector is damaged or disconnected in a way that causes the fire alarm system to malfunction. Repair costs start at NOK 5,750, and the full amount will be invoiced to the owner.
Security Guards
The condominium has an agreement with the security company Proff Security. The security guards conduct regular patrols and can be called upon when necessary, for example, in cases of noise violations or other disruptions that go against the house rules. The security company has been authorized to impose fines. This means that if noise from an apartment leads to complaints from other residents and the security guards are called, the resident responsible for the noise will be charged NOK 786, plus an invoice fee. In rental cases, the legal owner will be invoiced. Nuisance noise both before and during quiet hours (weekdays: 07:00-23:00, weekends: 11:00-23:00) may also result in a fee. Additionally, windows and balcony doors must be closed when music is played.
Garbage Disposal
All garbage must be disposed of in the designated garbage rooms, not in the hallways or building entrances.
For tenants at Uelands Gate 53 and Landstads Gate 2: The garbage room is located at Uelands Gate, and the door has a sign that says: *AVFALLSROM OPPGANG B OG C*.
For tenants at Waldemar Thranes Gate 72 and Kingos Gate 8: The garbage room is located at Kingos Gate and has a sign that says: *AVFALLSROM OPPGANG A OG D*.
Roof top terrace and backyard
In the summer, residents and their guests are allowed to use the rooftop terrace and the backyard. However, since the building is very sound-sensitive and noises echo off the walls, playing music is not permitted either on the rooftop terrace or in the backyard.
The rooftop terrace is open during the following hours:
Weekdays: 09:00–23:00
Weekends: 11:00–23:00